Let Us Eat Like Gilmores

Sometimes, when I sit down to start a blog post, I’m reminded of one of my favorite Gilmore Girl episodes.  In Santa’s Secret Stuff- Season 7, Episode 11, Lorelai describes the frustrations she’s met with while composing the perfect character reference for Luke.  She says, “…my brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish. ‘I’m writing a letter, I can’t write a letter, why can’t I write a letter? I’m wearing a green dress, I wish I was wearing my blue dress, my blue dress is at the cleaners. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue, Casablanca is such a good movie. Casablanca, the White House, Bush. Why don’t I drive a hybrid car? I should really drive a hybrid car. I should really take my bicycle to work. Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants!'”

A similar stream of consciousness strolls through my mind on a daily basis.  And while I wish that I was as witty, confident, and independent as the reigning Lorelai, our likenesses stop there.  In fact, I once took one of those Internet quizzes to determine which Stars Hollow character I am most like, and surprisingly, I got Sookie.

If you are a seasoned Gilmore Girl’s fan, you already know that Sookie’s character is a maestro in the kitchen, a considerate friend, and is always pushing herself to try new things.  She lives in a cozy older home, was going on her third kid (by the end of the series), and had a soft spot for vintage melancholy music (I Cant’ Get Started-Ella Fitzgerald).  So maybe, after all, we do have a few things in common.

Luckily, many of Sookie’s world famous recipes have been imagined and developed by GG super fan, Kristi Carlson.  Her cookbook, Eat Like A Gilmore, hits bookstores today, October 25, 2016.  I’m proud to report that Lessons in Loveliness was asked to preview and review one of her Sookie recipes from Eat Like A Gilmore!

Carlson’s Pancetta Chestnut Stuffing recipe was inspired by my second favorite episode, A Deep Fried-Korean Thanksgiving- Season 3, Episode 9.  In this episode, Sookie mentions how she wishes that she could make “an herb-rubbed turkey with a pancetta chestnut stuffing.”  Now, thanks to Carlson’s cookbook, we all can.


I am not exaggerating when I say that her Pancetta Chestnut Stuffing is outstanding.  Imagine a combination of savory pancetta, ciabatta bread, and chicken stock, the sweetness of prunes, and the aromas of roasted chestnuts, rosemary, and thyme.  Not only will this stuffing pair perfectly with Thanksgiving dinner, but this simple recipe could be completed in an afternoon to accompany pork chops or your favorite protein. It is even husband and toddler approved!  


So whether you are already planning your watch party for Netflix’s Gilmore Girls revival this November, or you are simply interested in expanding your cooking repertoire, consider adding Eat Like A Gilmore to your kitchen bookshelf.  The recipes will take you back to the characters, town meetings, and festivals from the hometown of our hearts, Stars Hollow.

~Think on These Things~



  1. Danielle · · Reply

    That is one my top 10 favorite episodes as well, and after reading this I may need to re-watch it:-) I am super excited to buy this cookbook especially after trying your stuffing today, which was amazing! I told my mom all about it tonight and we are excited to make it together, soon!


    1. Thanks so much for the compliments! Maybe we can bring in some GG goodies to school to share!


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